K-means algorithms
Input {$x_1$, $x_2$, ..., $x_m$}
Initialize cluster centriods: $c_1$, $c_2$, ..., $c_k$
2.1 assign $x_i$ to $c_j$
2.2 update $c_j$ according to group sample
2.3 break when center distance is less than a threshold
As the distortion function $J$ is a non-convex function, the alogrithm will converge, but it may reach a local mininal. So run multiple times with different initialization, and choose the lowest $J$.
QA: 1. How to initialize? Random choose of training sample 2. How to decide the cluster number? Choose manually
Density estimation
Mixtures of Gaussians
QA: GMM 算法中,参数初始化如何做的? 即第一次迭代时,高斯的参数如何给定?